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Maître SeungPyo (Espée) Hong

EU qualified lawyer (Avocat), as well as Visiting Professor of Law, SeungPyo (Espée) HONG has extensive experiences in legal academia and practice. His background encompasses Corporate M&A and International Arbitration, gained from roles in Paris and Luxembourg. He has served in the Commonwealth team at ICC’s International Court of Arbitration, worked with a boutique Geneva-based global Arbitration firm, held a former Corporate M&A Associate position at Dentons, contributed to the Autorité de la Concurrence (French Competition Authority), and acted as an external consultant (economist) at the OECD

He currently serves as the Head of International SpaceLaw Research Division (ISRD) at TelePIX, a Korean Satellite and Space Deep Tech Start-up, and regularly intervenes in International Space Law regulatory issues and teaches International Space Law at Korea Aerospace University.

Within academia, SeungPyo focuses on the impact of neo-liberalism in the shaping and forming of the modern international economic and security discourses, especially between the EU and Asia. SeungPyo has had influences from Patrick Messerlin, Prof. Emeritus at Sciences Po Paris as well as Senior Economist at the World Bank and Special Advisor to the WTO Director General.

He advises regularly clients from various industries from Banking, Investment Funds, Real Estate, Space, Aeronautics, Blockchain, Entertainment, Art business, and Sports, and also has a passion for Human Rights Law and Public Service, and intervened in various Podcasts at University College London, Sciences Po Paris, to name a few. He also publishes chronicles about EU and Luxembourg law developments at Korea Law Times, the main legal journal in Korea.

He is member of Asian Society of International Law, and was Lecturer of International Relations at Korea Naval Academy, as well as a reserve Naval Officer of Republic of Korea Navy (LTJG). SeungPyo is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris with law degrees from Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université de Paris II Panthéon-Assas, and holds an LL.M in International Law from the University of Cambridge and has completed Ph.D coursework at Seoul National University School of Law.

Taehyeok Chung, Attorney at Law

Korea qualified lawyer (Korean Bar), and Consultant Juridique Etranger (Foreign Legal Consultant) at the Conseil National des Barreaux de France (French Bar), JD Seoul National University, 

Taehyeok CHUNG has extensive experiences in both private and public practices. Taehyeok has practiced Corporate M&A at one of the most reputable law firm(SHIN & KIM) in Seoul before moving to Jakarta to practice International Development on behalf of KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency), and also had experiences at the Korea's National Assembly serving as Legislative aide for the Chairman of the Constitutional Reform Committee in the National Assembly.

He then moved to Europe to qualify as Consultant Juridique Etranger (Foreign Legal Consultant) at the Conseil National des Barreaux de France (French Bar) in 2022, to focus on cross border practice between Korea and the EU, with special emphasis on France, Luxembourg and Belgium. He also carries practices in Slovenia and Poland through with an associated firm.